Monday, March 14, 2011

Marching On

Yesterday was daylight savings, and although the ground here is still covered in snow, the extra hour of cheery sunlight we now get to enjoy is wildly exciting. Not only is it an indication of the beautiful spring weather that's just around the corner, but it means that soon I will actually be able to wear a pair of fashionable shoes outside without destroying them in the evil sidewalk salt. Hurray!

In the meantime, here are a few tidbits from the last month or two (or six) of my life.

A birthday gift from my charming cousin that came wrapped, ever so attractively, in brown paper. 
(There's something about packages wrapped in brown paper that makes my heart skip a beat - in a happy, excited, someone-loves-me kind of way.)

Poutine Chicks from La Banquise. It has pieces of breaded chicken on it! *happy dance* 
If you know me at all, you know how irrisistable this is to me. 

And speaking of which...

Krispy Toast, a "toaster friendly" breaded chicken cutlet! They were handing these out as 
people came off the metro. Finally. All this baking and frying nonsense is getting tiresome. 
The following photos were taken with the Instagram app on my iphone:

A Rock'A'Rula cocktail from La Distillerie. Yes, that's a mason jar.

My husband drinking a pinapple soda. 

The chicken soup that saw me through my hideous illness last week. 
And for those who don't know, I've just started a full time French class, which is fantastic, because it means that I am learning French! (French = job). It also means I've been too lazy tired to cook very much lately. 
But don't worry! I'll have an enticing new recipe up in no soon as I remember how to work my oven.

1 comment:

  1. The weather in Vancouver area has been absolutely stunning lately. Hope you are soon able to shovel your way out of the snow drifts.
    I thoroughly enjoy your posts.....wish they happened more frequently
